We provide onsite service for : computers, scanners, printers, typewriters, faxes and more
We offer service contracts which include all parts, labor, travel and cleanings.
We have over 5000 technicians available for service nationwide
With competitive hourly rates our fast and experienced staff will keep your equipment up and running.
Today’s complex and emerging technologies and heightened service needs make support services more crucial than ever. Your competitive edge hinges on having a service vendor with the skill, reliability, and experience to provide a wide range of service offerings at reasonable prices. A full service provider who
can tackle all of your support requirements, not just some of them. OSD is a single source for all your service needs.
With fifteen years in the service industry, OSD has the service solution your company requires. We have developed the knowledge and resources to provide our clients with services that meet their require- ments. Our Service Portfolio is constantly being developed to meet your needs for today and tomorrow. These capabilities coupled with our history of being devoted to complete service to our clients, position us well to be your service

Flexible service programs are available for a variety of customer's; retail, manufacturing, legal, govern- ment and universities. In addition, OSD works very closely with dealers, value-added resellers, and manufacturers working as a team to provide the very best possible service.

OSD assures its customers consistent, high quality service by monitoring all facets of its operations through regular surveys. These regular Surveys allow OSD management to gage the effectiveness of its customer service against the company’s high standards. Among the Survey areas are courtesy, respon- siveness, product quality, response time, and professionalism. Through this system we can maintain the quality of service our customers expect. OSD is headquartered in the metropolitan city of Los Angeles, California. The headquarters facility houses the company’s administrative offices, training center, parts distribution and our national technical support facilities.
We realize the importance of the quality of personnel in the overall quality of service rendered. OSD’s personnel have been carefully selected for their intelligence, resourcefulness, attitude and work ethic. In addition our service personnel have extensive experience on a wide variety of products, which insures the quickest solution to the problem. This means we can isolate and correct the problem quickly, saving you time and money. OSD’s management is committed to customer Satisfaction. With extensive back- ground in the service industry, their “hands-on experience is a direct result of having come up through the ranks, enhancing their understanding of what the customer needs and expects.

Customer service begins when the customer calls and ends when the customer is satisfied
Centralized Dispatch Center
The dispatch process and call tracking is handled from OSD’s dispatch center in Los Angeles, CA. There is one number to call for all communications with OSD.
Professional Service
Every customer is treated by a professional and courteous dispatcher. The customer is provided with OSD’s 800 number to call with any questions involving the service incident. When the customer is ready for service, a trained technician is dispatched to service the unit at the customer's convenience
Call Monitoring
Our call center reviews all open calls daily to ensure the customer receives service promptly. Once the
service request is opened with OSD, our managers, Supervisors, and dispatchers assume all responsibility,
including the tracking of parts and directly interfacing with the end user.
Technical Support
Our technical support representatives are trained to provide solutions that are highly technical in nature. We can provide support for all consumer electronics, major appliances, office
products, etc. This service is available to consumers and service center technicians.